“FEAR TO FEARCE” is Fearce Academy’s signature emotional intelligence and mental health Program. It is designed to be completed over the course of 7 weeks with corresponding coaching calls that integrate the module material into your lifestyle and in accordance to your specific needs. The mission? To provide the science for you to radiate confidence in front of any audience.
Click the buttons below for a short summary of the modules.
The foundation of any transformative journey begins with self-awareness; you can’t change what you can’t see.
Developing self-awareness empowers you to acknowledge the thoughts, fears, emotional reactions, and physical habits that may be hindering your personal and professional development. In this module, we dive deep into introspection and explore the nuances of your psyche to cultivate self-discovery.
Awareness alone is not enough, as we may build awareness of something and then choose to completely deny or override it.
Acceptance is the key that unlocks the door to trascending our fears. In this module, we’ll make peace with past failures and explore strategies for current setbacks, allowing you to better manage the fear of future failures. Self-acceptance of your fears, flaws and failures forms the bedrock of self-confidence, enabling you to break through your darkness and step into your spotlight.
Who we are in our personal life, significantly impacts our performance in all aspects of life. As a result, adjustment strategies which promote positive, lasting change in our personal life, are integral to transforming us into the most courageous and resilient version of ourselves in our performance life.
This module guides you in navigating the common pitfalls that hinder change, allowing you to sidestep the “willpower trap” and overcome influences that often obstruct progress. By the end of this module, you’ll be equipped with the tools to achieve lasting and impactful change.
Resilience is defined by our consistent capacity to get back up after a fall, regardless of whether we do so gracefully, or in a struggling, messy way.
This module reveals the benefits of a variety of cutting-edge lifestyle hacks, and teaches you how to coordinate them into a daily wellness routine. This process empowers you to find resilience amidst the ebbs and flows of life, helping you to fail forward on the “bad days” and leverage the “good days” to achieve greatness.
Fear is not an enemy; it’s a powerful ally. It’s primary function is to protect us from danger at all times, ensuring we survive any imminent threat to our wellbeing. Weakness arises when we turn our back on fear, allowing it to control our life. The goal of this module is teach you not to eliminate your fear, but rather to befriend it and harness its energy as fuel for your journey. Fear to Fuel offers a potent a reminder that you’ll never be more “fearless” than when you face your fears, accept them and integrate them into your life.
In the final module of this transformation, we delve into the profound concept of being “Fearce,” integrating your fears in a manner that helps you rise to new heights. While exuding perfection and presenting a façade of “fearlessness” might impress people temporarily, it’s embracing imperfection that fosters authentic connection and enhances performances.
This module guides you to become whole with your “dark side” and encourges you to show up as your truest self in your relationships and onstage. Those willing to do so often leave a lasting, impactful imprint on the minds and hearts of their fans, followers, audiences, and clients.